

Setting up IPv6 on Windows

When connected via cable or Wi-Fi, registered network adapters will obtain IPv6 connectivity automatically. DHCPv6 is used to obtain an IPv6 address and DNS server address; Router Advertisements for obtaining the default gateway.

In case of issues:

Setting up IPv6 on Linux

For IPv6 working correctly on our network in Linux, you will need a DHCPv6 client. Most user-friendly distributions already have one (Ubuntu, for example), and the common DHCP clients, such as dhclient or dhcpcd, already work with DHCPv6. If in doubt, please consult the documentation of your Linux distribution.

Test IPv6 connectivity

If you want to test basic IPv6 connectivity on your machine, navigate to http://www.nebezi.cz/. If the page does not load at all, IPv6 is not working for you. If it does, congratulations! For more thorough test, navigate to http://test-ipv6.com/ (works with or without IPv6).

Your IPv6 address should start with 2001:718:2:880: or 2001:718:2:8a0:.