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en:index [29.08.2017 07:04] kapounen:index [12.12.2023 00:59] (current) – [Basic information] Vojtěch Kříž
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 ====== English version ====== ====== English version ======
 +Welcome to the English Sincoolka wiki!
 +This wiki serves as a repository of information for both new and experienced members.
 +===== Basic information =====
 +[[en:verejne:clenstvi:|{{:en:verejne:library-card.svg?width=32&nolink}}]] [[en:verejne:clenstvi:]] -- what are the benefits and how much will it cost
 +[[:en:verejne:sit:|{{:en:verejne:network.svg?width=32&nolink}}]] [[:en:verejne:sit:|Computer network]] -- walkthroughs and troubleshooting
 +[[en:verejne:predpisy:|{{:en:verejne:folder.svg?width=32&nolink}}]] [[en:verejne:predpisy:]] -- translations of some of our directives
 +[[verejne:dokumenty:usneseni-zapisy:|{{:en:verejne:document.svg?width=32&nolink}}]] [[verejne:dokumenty:usneseni-zapisy:|Minutes of Board Meetings and Resolutions of the Board]] (both in Czech)
 +[[:en:verejne:volby:|{{:en:verejne:vote.svg?width=32&nolink}}]] [[:en:verejne:volby:|]] -- how soon are the next elections and how you can enroll
 +Additional pages can be found by searching (in the top bar) or by browsing the wiki's menu.
 +===== Editing the wiki =====
 +You can login to the wiki using your SIN username (available after logging in to SINIS) and SINIS password, although you may not be able to modify anything.
 +The wiki is managed by Sincoolka's [[https://sincoolka.cz/en/contacts/|administrators]] - feel free to give them a heads up at [[admin@sin.cvut.cz]] if something is wrong or if you would like to improve anything!
 +Happy browsing!
 +== Attributions ==
 +//Icons made by [[https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik|Freepik]], [[https://www.flaticon.com/authors/smashicons|Smashicons]] from [[https://www.flaticon.com/|www.flaticon.com]]//