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en:verejne:predpisy [11.12.2023 16:19] – ↷ Odkaz upraven z důvodu přesunutí Vojtěch Křížen:verejne:predpisy [11.12.2023 16:40] (current) – ↷ Odkaz upraven z důvodu přesunutí Vojtěch Kříž
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 ====== Directives of Club ====== ====== Directives of Club ======
-This page contains translations of some directives of Club Sincoolka to English. You may also check out [[verejne:dokumenty:predpisy|the rest of our directives]] which were not translated yet, but still apply to all our members.+This page contains translations of some directives of Club Sincoolka to English. You may also check out [[verejne:dokumenty:predpisy:index|the rest of our directives]] which were not translated yet, but still apply to all our members.
 If you are unsure of your rights or obligations as a member of the Club, please do not hesitate to [[https://www.sin.cvut.cz/en/contacts|ask us]]. If you are unsure of your rights or obligations as a member of the Club, please do not hesitate to [[https://www.sin.cvut.cz/en/contacts|ask us]].