This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== How to set your device to obtain IP address automatically (DHCP) on Windows Vista, 7, 8 ====== If your device tells you that you have no network connection, or the registration form doesn't show after going to any webpage, the you probably need to adjust your settings. You can proceed with these steps: If the Network connection icon is visible, click on the icon by the right mouse button and choose Open Network and Sharing Center. {{:en:verejne:sit:dhcp:windows:sit_tray_1_en.png}} If you can't see the Local Area Connection, click on Change adapter settings. {{:en:verejne:sit:dhcp:windows:sit_cp1_en.png}} Select Local Area Connection and click on Change settings of this connection. {{:en:verejne:sit:dhcp:windows:sit_cp2_en.png}} Select Internet Protocol IP Version 4 and click on Settings. {{:en:verejne:sit:dhcp:windows:sit_adapter_en_2.png}} Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically there. Do the same for Internet Protocol Version 6. {{:en:verejne:sit:dhcp:windows:sit_adapter_en_3.png}} If you see the Local Area Network in the Network and Sharing Center, click on it. {{:en:verejne:sit:dhcp:windows:sit_cp1a_en.png}} Then click on Properties. Next actions are the same as above. {{:en:verejne:sit:dhcp:windows:sit_adapter_en_1.png}} Network and Sharing Center can be opened from Control Panel, section Network and Internet. {{:en:verejne:sit:dhcp:windows:sit_w8_en_cp_2.png}}