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en:verejne:sit:nove-zarizeni [09.09.2022 21:28] – [How to find your MAC addresses] added turning off MAC randomization Pavel Valachen:verejne:sit:nove-zarizeni [20.11.2022 22:05] (current) – [Instructions] Pavel Valach
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 For each device, write in the email: For each device, write in the email:
-  - the MAC address,+  - the MAC address of the network device,
   - whether the MAC address is a Wi-Fi address or Ethernet address, \\ //(Note that laptops usually have two MAC addresses: one for the cable socket and one for Wi-Fi.)//   - whether the MAC address is a Wi-Fi address or Ethernet address, \\ //(Note that laptops usually have two MAC addresses: one for the cable socket and one for Wi-Fi.)//
   - the type of the device to be registered (laptop, phone etc.)   - the type of the device to be registered (laptop, phone etc.)