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en:verejne:volby:2021 [11.12.2023 16:19] – ↷ Odkaz upraven z důvodu přesunutí Vojtěch Křížen:verejne:volby:2021 [29.01.2024 21:16] (current) – ↷ Odkaz upraven z důvodu přesunutí Vojtěch Kříž
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 ====== Board Elections for 2021-22 ====== ====== Board Elections for 2021-22 ======
-The Chairman has {{ verejne:dokumenty:volby:volby_2021_vyhlaseni.pdf |announced the elections!}} (Document is in Czech.) The schedule is below:+The Chairman has {{ verejne:volby:volby_2021_vyhlaseni.pdf |announced the elections!}} (Document is in Czech.) The schedule is below:
   * Accepting Nominations: Thursday, July 1, 2021 - Sunday, July 18, 2021   * Accepting Nominations: Thursday, July 1, 2021 - Sunday, July 18, 2021