Members of Club Sincoolka can (besides WiFi) use a wired connection over Ethernet available in every room, specifically:
Sinkuleho dormitory: generally, all Ethernet sockets in your room should be working.
Dejvická dormitory: only two Ethernet sockets are working in each room.
If your device is registered, you'll be immediately connected to Internet straight away. If not, you should be redirected to our Information System - SINIS.
Currently we only allow one Ethernet (cable-connected) device per user.
Also, if you need a cable, come to the LAB during office hours; we have a couple of them to give. ;)
All devices connected with an Ethernet cable get not only an IPv6 address, but a public IPv4 address as well, it is therefore necessary to correctly configure the firewall on such devices. Alas, people do not, so, unfortunately, we had to close some ports that people commonly leave open by mistake:
Service | Protocol | Port |
FTP | TCP,UDP | 20,21 |
Telnet | TCP,UDP | 23 |
SMTP | TCP,UDP | 25 |
DNS | TCP,UDP | 53 |
NetBIOS | TCP,UDP | 137,138,139 |
SMB (Samba) | TCP,UDP | 445 |
RDP (remote desktop) | TCP,UDP | 3389 |
Microsoft SQL | TCP,UDP | 1433,1434 |
OracleDB | TCP | 1521,1830 |
MySQL | TCP | 3306 |
PostgreSQL | TCP | 5432,5433 |
Memcached | TCP,UDP | 11211 |
MongoDB | TCP | 27017,27018,27019,28017 |
Redis | TCP | 6379 |
HP JetDirect/AppSocket/Raw/… (printing) | TCP | 9100 |
LPD/LPR (printing) | TCP | 515 |
IPP/CUPS (printing) | TCP | 631 |
UPnP | TCP,UDP | 1900,5000 |
SLP | TCP,UDP | 427 |
SNMP | UDP | 161,162 |
Other | TCP,UDP | 6666 |
If you need to have one of these ports open, please visit us during the office hours or send us an email.
A MAC address is an unique identifier of a network device. It is commonly written as a hexadecimal number, which may look for instance like this:
or AB-CD-EF-12-A3-04
If you are unable to find your device's MAC address, come visit us during office and bring your device with you, we are happy to help you. Sometimes, you may find it on the device itself, or it's packaging. On devices with menus, it's commonly found in sections called “Settings” or “About the device”.