This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Club membership ====== Club Sincoolka offers its membership to all university students accommodated at either Sinkuleho or Dejvická dormitory. Other persons can also apply, subject to conditions for membership in [[|CTU Student Union]] clubs. In case of doubt, it is best to [[|ask our Chairman or the Executive Board]]. ===== How to become a member ===== First, we'll ask you to [[en:verejne:sit:sinis|create an account in our SINIS]]. You can do that through our computer network (Wi-Fi or cable). Alternatively, we will register you [[en:verejne:sit:index#office hours|in our office]] (LAB). Then, you will need to come [[en:verejne:sit:index#office hours|to our office]] (LAB) with a **valid identity document** (citizen ID or passport) and sign a paper sign-up form. Then you will [[#How to pay the membership fee|pay the membership fee]]. And, once we receive your payment, assuming all conditions are met, you become our member! ===== Membership types ===== ^ Membership type ^ Cost ^ Benefits + details ^ ^ **Basic** | CZK 1 000 / semester | Ability to borrow various devices and equipment offered by the club. \\ General membership benefits and rights. \\ Option of participating in Board elections. Connection to academic network. \\ Access to the dormitory printer. | ^ **Sports** | CZK 500 / semester | Access to the gym and sauna.\\ //Requires valid Basic membership.// | All Sincoolka members are also members of [[|CTU Student Union]], bearing all the rights and responsibilities of a member as described in [[|Statues of Club Sincoolka]] and [[|Statues of CTU Student Union]]. //Both documents are currently only available in Czech language.// ==== Basic information ==== * **All members need to have the basic membership.** Network and Sports membership are optional. * It is possible to combine memberships and pay for a missing membership during semester. * The amount is fixed. It is not possible to get discount when connecting during the semester. * The trial period to pay the membership fee starts on the day of signing the application form to the club (for the new members) or beginning of the new semester (for the old members) and lasts 15 days. * If the user does not pay the fee in this trial period, his account on the server will be deleted including all user data. ===== How to pay the membership fee ===== It is necessary to pay the fee by * [[#Via wire transfer / Czech bank account|wire transfer / Czech bank account]] or * through [[#On-line payment (with a payment card)|online payment gateway]]. It is //not possible// to pay cash to administrators of the network. If you need to make a cash payment, use [[#Paying in cash (last resort)|postal money order or pay by cash at a Fio bank office]]. Both come with a fee. ==== Via wire transfer / Czech bank account ==== //Our preferred method.// Do you have an account with a bank in the Czech Republic? Order your bank to send us money, and in most cases, the money will reach us in a couple of minutes. If instant payments are not available at your bank, then please expect the money to arrive in 1-2 working days. === Payment details === * (Beneficiary) Account number: **99924050** / **2010** (FIO bank) * Amount: **the sum of membership fees** (e.g. Basic + Sports --> 1 000 + 500 = 1 500 CZK) * Variable symbol: fill in your **UID** (you can find it [[|in SINIS]] after login) * Constant symbol: **do not fill in** * Specific symbol: **do not fill in** * Message for payee: **Membership fee - your name** Beneficiary: \\ Studentská unie ČVUT \\ Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3 \\ 160 00 Praha 6 – Dejvice Payments through SEPA are highly discouraged, however if you really need to perform them, please contact us at [[]]. ==== On-line payment (with a payment card) ==== You can pay the membership fee through an online payment gateway. To pay on-line, [[|log in to SINIS]] and go to "Membership & Payment" section. Both network and sport membership can be paid this way. We use [[| s.r.o.]] and [[|Comgate Payments, a.s.]] as our online payment service providers. VISA and MasterCard are accepted and you can also use Apple Pay and Google Pay (tested with Comgate). The card needs to have online payments activated. \\ **TIP:** With most banks, it is possible to temporarily allow online payments and disable them after payment. <note important>The payment currency is CZK. \\ Check with your bank about their fees for online payments and currency conversion.</note> === Supplemental information === * We will activate your membership **immediately after we receive the confirmation of payment** from our gateway provider. It should only take a few minutes. * The gateway will use 3D Secure verification (Mastercard SecureCard, Verified By Visa atd.) where possible. * We never collect your credit or debit card details. The system of / Comgate is used to facilitate the payment through trustworthy partners. * After your payment is complete, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. * We will pass the full name of payee and their e-mail address to / Comgate - it is a legal requirement and it will also be used for identification/as a contact in case of a claim. ==== Paying in cash (last resort) ==== <note tip>Be advised that a friend with a Czech bank account can perform the transfer on your behalf, using the [[#Via wire transfer / Czech bank account|wire transfer details above]]. For most money operations, a Czech bank account will come in quite handy though.</note> You can pay with cash: * At any Czech Post office (Česká pošta) [[|with Money Order A]]. The fee for this service is CZK 52. * At any Fio bank office. The fee for this service is CZK 90 Kč. You will need [[#using the [[#Via wire transfer / Czech bank account|our bank account information]] to pay. They are the same for wire transfer. *This is how you fill out the Money Order A:* FIXME nice image will come here **The closest Post Office:** \\ Kafkova 102/19 \\ 160 00 Praha 6, Dejvice \\ [[|Show the map]] **The closest Fio bank office:** \\ Dejvická 574/33 \\ 160 00 Praha 6, Dejvice \\ [[,+160+00+Praha,+%C4%8Cesk%C3%A1+republika&ll=50.100789,14.40156&spn=0.013322,0.030813&z=14&source=embed|Show the map]] ===== FAQ – Membership ===== {{page>:en:verejne:faq#Membership&noheader}} ===== FAQ – Returns, refunds, claims and payment issues ===== {{page>:en:verejne:faq#Returns, refunds, claims and payment issues&noheader}}