This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== How to install the network printer in macOS – AirPrint ====== ===== In GUI ===== <note tip>We have tested these steps on macOS Monterey (12.1), but this should work since OS X Lion (10.7).</note> <note important>Adding a printer will only succeed while connected to Club Sincoolka network. It will fail on eduroam.</note> Go to //System Settings//, then //Printers and Scanners//. In the printers list, click the + (Add) button. {{:verejne:sit:tiskarna:macos1.png|}} The //Add Printer// dialog will open. In the upper part, click //the globe icon// (possibly with "IP" next to it). **Fill out the following (as in the picture below):** * Address: '''' * Protocol: AirPrint * Queue: ''printers/sin-c13-hp-ps'' (SIN dash C one three dash HP dash PS -- all in lower case) After filling out all the details, the driver should be automatically assigned. Check that it has **Secure AirPrint** at the end. You can choose your own **Printer name**. {{:verejne:sit:tiskarna:print-macos-2.png?nolink|}} Finally, click the **Add** button and wait until the printer is added. {{:verejne:sit:tiskarna:print-macos-end.png?nolink|}} Now printing is available for you!