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en:verejne:sit:tiskarna [23.04.2022 18:17] – added pricing Pavel Valachen:verejne:sit:tiskarna [30.11.2022 21:00] (current) – [Network printer] Pavel Valach
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 ====== Network printer ====== ====== Network printer ======
 +<note warning>2022-11-30: The printer is out of order until further notice.</note>
 {{ :verejne:sit:tiskarna:dsc37049.jpg?200}} {{ :verejne:sit:tiskarna:dsc37049.jpg?200}}
-At this time, there is a network printer HP Color LaserJet Professional CP5225dn available. The printer has automatic duplex unit installed for A3 and A4 paper formats.+At this time, there is a network printer HP Color LaserJet Professional CP5225dn available for users with active Network membership. The printer has automatic duplex unit installed for A3 and A4 paper formats.
 Printed documents can be collected in the kitchen on the east wing of corridor no. 13 (next to the server room), through the hole in the door between the kitchen and the server room. Printed documents can be collected in the kitchen on the east wing of corridor no. 13 (next to the server room), through the hole in the door between the kitchen and the server room.
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 <note important>Printing only works from Club Sincoolka network.</note> <note important>Printing only works from Club Sincoolka network.</note>
-**Testing:** The printer is available using IPPS protocol at the following address:+The printer is available using IPPS protocol at the following address:
   * For Windows: <code>https://tisk2.sin.cvut.cz:631/printers/sin-c13-hp</code>   * For Windows: <code>https://tisk2.sin.cvut.cz:631/printers/sin-c13-hp</code>
-  * For Linux / Android / macOS: <code>ipps://tisk2.sin.cvut.cz/printers/sin-c13-hp-pcl3</code>+  * For Linux / Android / macOS: <code>ipps://tisk2.sin.cvut.cz/printers/sin-c13-hp-ps</code>
 Setup instructions for your operating system can be found **in the links below**. Setup instructions for your operating system can be found **in the links below**.
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 ===== Issues ===== ===== Issues =====
 +Frequent issues are summarized at [[verejne:sit:problemy#Síťová tiskárna|FAQ, section Network printer]] (working on the translation), please check there first.
 Paper format //letter// is not supported. Paper format //letter// is not supported.