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en:verejne:sit:tiskarna [23.04.2022 18:18] – [Network printer] clarified that you need to have network membership Pavel Valachen:verejne:sit:tiskarna [30.11.2022 21:00] (current) – [Network printer] Pavel Valach
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 ====== Network printer ====== ====== Network printer ======
 +<note warning>2022-11-30: The printer is out of order until further notice.</note>
 {{ :verejne:sit:tiskarna:dsc37049.jpg?200}} {{ :verejne:sit:tiskarna:dsc37049.jpg?200}}
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 <note important>Printing only works from Club Sincoolka network.</note> <note important>Printing only works from Club Sincoolka network.</note>
-**Testing:** The printer is available using IPPS protocol at the following address:+The printer is available using IPPS protocol at the following address:
   * For Windows: <code>https://tisk2.sin.cvut.cz:631/printers/sin-c13-hp</code>   * For Windows: <code>https://tisk2.sin.cvut.cz:631/printers/sin-c13-hp</code>
-  * For Linux / Android / macOS: <code>ipps://tisk2.sin.cvut.cz/printers/sin-c13-hp-pcl3</code>+  * For Linux / Android / macOS: <code>ipps://tisk2.sin.cvut.cz/printers/sin-c13-hp-ps</code>
 Setup instructions for your operating system can be found **in the links below**. Setup instructions for your operating system can be found **in the links below**.
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 ===== Issues ===== ===== Issues =====
 +Frequent issues are summarized at [[verejne:sit:problemy#Síťová tiskárna|FAQ, section Network printer]] (working on the translation), please check there first.
 Paper format //letter// is not supported. Paper format //letter// is not supported.