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en:verejne:sit:wi-fi [10.12.2024 19:53] – [Installation manuals] converted setup links to nicer cards Pavel Valachen:verejne:sit:wi-fi [10.12.2024 20:01] (current) – [Wi-Fi] change default to Sincoolka FT Pavel Valach
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 ====== Wi-Fi ====== ====== Wi-Fi ======
-Members of Club Sincoolka with Network membership can also use the Wi-Fi connection. Use Wi-Fi network **Sincoolka 5G** or **Sincoolka**. We prefer 5G variant, if available.+Members of Club Sincoolka with Network membership can also use the Wi-Fi connection. Use Wi-Fi network **Sincoolka FT** or **Sincoolka**.
 To register your device for use in the Sincoolka network, please [[en:verejne:sit:nove-zarizeni|follow the instructions on a separate page]]. To register your device for use in the Sincoolka network, please [[en:verejne:sit:nove-zarizeni|follow the instructions on a separate page]].