This translation is older than the original page and might be outdated. See what has changed.

English version

This is an old revision of the document!

English version

Welcome to the English Sincoolka wiki!

This wiki serves as a repository of information for both new and experienced members.

Membership payment for Summer 2019/20

If you are a member who paid for the Winter membership, this will expire on 29th February 2020. To extend your membership onto the summer semester, please, pay the membership fee before this date, otherwise you risk the interruption of your benefits (e.g. network connection or gym). Payment details can be found in the Club membership section.

A 2020-2021 Board Elections have been announced! Would you like to partake and make the club a better place? Feel free to stand for the club! Look in the Board Elections section for more details!

Basic information

Club membership – what are the benefits and how much will it cost

Computer network – walkthroughs and troubleshooting

Directives of Club – translations of some of our directives

Minutes of Board Meetings and Resolutions of the Board (both in Czech)

Board Elections – how soon are the next elections and how you can enroll

Additional pages can be found by searching (in the top bar) or by browsing the wiki's menu.

Editing the wiki

You can login to the wiki using your SIN username (available after logging in to SINIS) and SINIS password, although you may not be able to modify anything.

The wiki is managed by Sincoolka's administrators - feel free to give them a heads up at if something is wrong or if you would like to improve anything!

Happy browsing!


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en/index.1582065723.txt.gz · Last modified: 02.06.2020 15:18