Certificates - verifying our network identity

In case you need our RADIUS server certificate, or the Certificate Authority certificate, we offer download below.

Local copies are also available below.

CA certificates:
CESNET – Certificate chain of TCS server certificates

USERTrust RSA Certification Authority (root CA)
SHA1 Fingerprint – 2B:8F:1B:57:33:0D:BB:A2:D0:7A:6C:51:F7:0E:E9:0D:DA:B9:AD:8E
SHA256 Fingerprint – E7:93:C9:B0:2F:D8:AA:13:E2:1C:31:22:8A:CC:B0:81:19:64:3B:74:9C:89:89:64:B1:74:6D:46:C3:D4:CB:D2

radius.sin.cvut.czdownload in PEM format
SHA1 Fingerprint - 02:B0:6E:34:69:C3:F1:85:53:3A:EB:63:29:F6:69:F5:3B:71:F5:A6
SHA256 Fingerprint - 20:DE:B4:DA:69:AA:0E:45:19:5C:5D:5C:F3:1E:47:B9:97:BD:D5:23:F0:F0:66:C7:CB:1B:45:37:61:CE:9A:44

To save these to your device, right-click/tap-and-hold on these links and select Save link as… / Save target as…

USERTrust RSA Certification Authority - download in PEM format

First, download these certificates into your Android device. We recommend using Chrome or integrated browser to perform the download, or download them using your laptop/computer and transfer to your Android using a USB cable or an SD card.

USERTrust RSA Certification Authority - download in PEM format

The following instructions differ from device to device, but they all follow the same theme:

In your Android device:

  • Go to SettingsWi-Fi.
  • Go to Advanced Wi-Fi. This can be hidden in a context menu.
  • Choose Install a certificate.
    • A file browser should open. Find your downloaded certificate file (usually in „Downloads“ directory) and tap the file. (You only need to install one of the PEM/DER. If one fails, try the other one.)
    • Follow the instructions on your device. Choose a name for the certificate, like „UserTrust CA“ or „Sincoolka“.
    • Choose Wi-Fi as a certificate type, if possible.
    • Confirm the installation.
  • Then, during setting up Wi-Fi, select this new certificate as a CA certificate.
When you remove the Sincoolka Wi-Fi settings, the saved certificate might also get removed. Therefore, you might need to repeat the procedure above.
  • en/verejne/sit/cert.txt
  • Last modified: 01.10.2023 09:36
  • by Filip Kučera