Board Elections for 2021-22

This is an old revision of the document!

Board Elections for 2021-22

The Chairman has announced the elections! (Document is in Czech.) The schedule is below:

  • Accepting Nominations: Thursday, July 1, 2021 - Sunday, July 18, 2021
  • Publishing the accepted nominations: Monday, July 19, 2021 (20:00)
  • Elections (at Tuesday, July 20, 2021 (12:00) – Sunday, July 25, 2021 (23:59)
  • Results Announcement: Monday, July 26, 2021 (20:00)

The Election Committee members:

  • Adam Mitrenga
  • Pavel Valach
  • Maryna Karmazina

Who is fighting for the votes?

We will reveal the nominations at 20:00 today.

Current stats (2021-07-18, 23:59):

  • 5 candidates for Delegate of Club
  • 2 candidates for Delegate of Sinkuleho dormitory
  • 1 candidate for Delegate of Dejvická dormitory

Basic information

The Board of Club Sincoolka has the power to decide on all club matters, including financial, and enact new club legislation. It is the main elected body of the club. It consists of Delegates of Club, Delegates of Sinkule/Dejvická dormitory, Chairman and Vice-chair.

Any member of the club can stand for the position of the Delegate of Club. There is 5 of them.

In addition to the Delegates of Club, two more Dormitory delegates are elected, one for Sinkuleho and one for Dejvická dormitory. Dormitory delegates are elected from standing members who live on that particular dormitory. They represent the best interests of students accommodated at their dormitory. They negotiate with Service Facilities Administration of CTU in Prague, and execute their duties as a self-governing body of the dormitory. More in our club statues (CZ).

Chairman of the Club is chosen by the members of the Board from their ranks. The Chairman then chooses his Vice-chair from the Board (with Board's blessing).

Everything above and additional details can be found in our Club Statues (CZ) and in our Election Rules (CZ).

How to Vote

When the voting time comes (see the time table above), the electronic “ballot box” will be open at – this will redirect you to SINIS where you can vote after logging in.

In case you don't have club membership or do not want to vote online, the Election Committee will also organize offline voting in the hall of Sinkuleho and Dejvická dormitories. Precise date and time will be announced (at the latest) with the start of online voting.

Delegate of Club

How to stand for this post?

  1. You need to be a member of Club Sincoolka who is accommodated on either Sinkuleho or Dejvická dormitory.
  2. Create a nomination document in PDF. The required format is A4 in portrait. This is your propagation poster as well. The document has to include:
    • Your full name and a faculty that you study,
    • Your photo, on which you can be recognized,
    • Your room number,
    • Your email address,
    • Your goals that you want to achieve,
    • The following formulation (in Czech, it states that: “I stand for a [delegate] post in the Board of Club and I agree with my participation in the election.”):
      • „Kandiduji do Představenstva klubu Sincoolka a s kandidaturou souhlasím.“
  3. Send the nomination PDF to from the email that is written in the nomination.
  4. You will be notified by the Election Committee whether your nomination has been accepted.

Delegate of Sinkuleho/Dejvická Dormitory

Just to warn you: This position involves quite a lot of communication in Czech, especially with the dormitory management, though it is not required to speak Czech to stand for this post.

How to stand for this post?

  1. You need to be a student who is accommodated on Sinkuleho or Dejvická dormitory. Also you need to be a member of Club Sincoolka.
  2. Create a nomination document in PDF. The required format is A4 in portrait. This is your propagation poster as well. The document has to include:
    • Your full name and a faculty that you study,
    • Your photo, on which you can be recognized,
    • Your room number,
    • Your email address,
    • Your goals that you want to achieve,
    • The following formulation (in Czech, it states that: “I stand for post of Delegate of Sinkuleho/Dejvická dormitory and I agree with my participation in the election.”):
      • For delegate of Sinkuleho: „Kandiduji na post Zástupce Sinkuleho koleje a s kandidaturou souhlasím.“
      • For delegate of Dejvická: „Kandiduji na post Zástupce Dejvické koleje a s kandidaturou souhlasím.“
  3. Send the nomination PDF to from the email that is written in the nomination.
  4. You will be notified by the Election Committee whether your nomination has been accepted.
en/verejne/volby/2021.1626646634.txt.gz · Last modified: 18.07.2021 22:17