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Newcomers: SINIS + how to register to club Sincoolka

If you want to become a member of club Sincoolka, you need to register.

If you are connected by cable and have your network adapter set to automatically obtain IP address and DNS server address, you will be automatically redirected to the front page of SINIS when you try to access any webpage (e.g. google.com).

If you want to register by WiFi, connect to network Sincoolka-registration and open any webpage (e.g. google.com). If the front page of SINIS is not loaded automatically, open sinis.sin.cvut.cz in the browser.

Registration form will load if you click on the link Register new account.

All data are important, please fill them carefully.

If you successfully submit the registration form (indicated on the page as shown on the picture below), pull out the network cable from your computer. Wait for 15 minutes and plug it back. You should have access to the network of club Sincoolka and internet now.

If you have registered by WiFi, disconnect from the Sincoolka-registration network. Wait for 15 minutes and then connect to network Sincoolka. Use school mail and password you filled in in registration form as username and password for the network. You should have access to the network of club Sincoolka and internet now.

Now you need to sign the printed version of registration form and pay the membership fee to finish the registration. You have five days to come to Lab and sign the registration form from the moment you submitted it digitally. After signing the registration form, you have 15 days to pay the membership fee. Membership fee is paid for one semester. Its amount and the methods how you can pay it are described here.

If you already are a registered member of club Sincoolka and you are redirected to the front page of SINIS, it means that you are using a computer that isn't registered in our system. Please contact administrator by email and send them MAC address of your new computer.

If you are a registered member of club Sincoolka, you can find overview of your membership data, information about all your membership fee payments, overview of your network connection and balance of your printer account and a price of every single print you made on the network printer, after login into SINIS.

  • en/verejne/sit/sinis.txt
  • Last modified: 29.03.2022 13:03
  • by Pavel Valach