
Computer network

Among other things, we provide our members with high-quality academic network connection to CESNET and Internet, both on Sinkuleho and Dejvická dormitory. This benefit is available to members with Network membership.

Up-to-1Gbps Ethernet and Wi-Fi connection is provided on both dormitories.

Our dedicated team of volunteers from both Sincoolka and CTU Student Union takes care of the network. Connectivity is provided by CTU – Computing and Information Center.

Network rules

Summary of the most important stuff:

Rules in English (PDF)

How to first register

Are you coming from another CTU dormitory? Follow the instructions below! We will transfer the basic+network membership from your former dormitory to us, so you won't need to pay it again for that term. Just tell us during your visit in the office, that you are transferring.

Are you currently at either Sinkuleho or Dejvická dormitory? Connect by a cable to an Ethernet cable socket in your room, or to register by WiFi, connect to network Sincoolka-registration. Then, register to our club Sincoolka through SINIS (https://sinis.sin.cvut.cz). It will only take a couple of minutes.

During the registration, you will register your first device's MAC address. This device will gain access to the network shortly after registration, for 5 days.

To complete the registration, you will then visit our office (LAB) during the office hours.

And finally, you will pay the membership fee - for access to the network, you will need at least Basic and Network membership. You will have 14 days to pay after signing the form.

Register other devices

If you want to register other devices or change the currently registered devices, please follow the instructions at this link.

As of 27th of November, 2023, the Admin team has decided to experimentally allow all members on the Sinkuleho dormitory to register up to 5 total devices (5 WiFi devices or 4 WiFi devices and one Ethernet device).

How to connect

To connect, you may use both cable connection and Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi is more unreliable, while the cable should be rock solid and much faster. Click the links below to find out more.

Cable connection
More stable, preferred for desktops. The fastest option. How to connect via ethernet cable

Wireless connection (Wi-Fi)
Primarily for notebooks and mobile devices. How to connect via Wi-Fi

Office hours

We have regular office hours, where our volunteers register new members and solve user issues with local network connection:

Current office hours

Current office hours:

The office hours are for our office in the “LAB”, which is located at Sinkuleho dormitory, on 14th corridor (5th floor), right next to the elevator.

Email and other communication

We can resolve most inquiries through an email - for network-related issues, it is admin@sin.cvut.cz. You may also try knocking on our doors

We have a bunch of walkthroughs below. If you are facing issues, you may try to follow FAQ - Troubleshooting - Frequent issues.

You may also utilise our phone line +420 228 229 638, during the office hours. Outside of those hours, we've got a voice mailbox. We cannot activate new accounts via phone, but we can for example set an appointment if you can't visit the office hours, or prolong the deadline for payment, if there is valid need.

Please, send your issues primarily to the admin@sin.cvut.cz address. Inquiries going to admin's personal inbox will be ignored.

Services offered

We offer nice benefits for our members with Network membership, including (but not limited to):

Note that when your membership expires, you will lose access to these benefits. We delete the content of expired members shortly after expiration to save space (and to comply with GDPR).

If you happen to lose access and need to get some data out, feel free to contact us and we will see what we can do.

Having problems? :(

Stumbled upon an issue?

Please, take a look at https://status.sin.cvut.cz first, where we release information about planned outages and also issues we are currently looking into.

Nothing there? Take a look at FAQ - Troubleshooting - Frequent issues – this contains the most frequent issues and solutions to them. Have you looked thoroughly but nothing solved your problem? Write us at admin@sin.cvut.cz or visit us during our office hours (or knock on our doors, but be ready to bring something nice :-) ) and we'll look at it together.

Tech details

Our uplink is to CTU - Computing and Information Center with available bandwidth of 10 Gbps. A full 1 Gbps is available to you using the cable connection.

Maximum TCP throughput of Wi-Fi is approx. 200 Mbps at Sinkuleho dormitory and approx. 600 Mbps at Dejvická dormitory (802.11ac). We are getting ready for Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax).

Core switch Juniper EX4600 aggregates all access switches at Sinkuleho dormitory (Juniper, Cisco); available bandwidth per switch is 10 Gbps.

Dejvická dormitory is also connected to Sinkuleho dormitory, using a wireless 80 GHz (71-76, 81-86 GHz) link. Licensed capacity is 2 Gbps.

Did we get your interest peaked? Are you longing to know more? Feel free to give us a knock or come to our office, we'll be glad to show you more! :)

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